Educational Issues Policy Brief, American Federation of Teachers, 2001
This Policy Brief outlines the AFT's position on teacher induction programs, which the union views as a critical response to high attrition rates among new teachers. The AFT proposes a year-long, state-mandated and -funded induction program in which all new teachers would have to participate. They would bear reduced course loads and be assigned qualified mentors, who would also have reduced loads (and receive additional compensation). At year's end, a "summative review" would determine whether or not the new teachers would proceed to full licensure. The AFT reviewed teacher induction programs in all 50 states to determine whether any met their standards. Although the number of induction programs has doubled since the 1980s, only 33 states currently have statewide programs in place. Of these, only 22 states actually mandate and fund the programs. To remedy these inadequacies, says the AFT, states should develop (and partially fund) comprehensive policies that reflect the importance of induction for new teachers. To view this issue brief - which includes tables summarizing state induction policies - as a PDF, surf to