Denver schools superintendent Michael Bennet* is racing ahead of his competitors for the Arne-alternative spot in our pick-the-next-education-secretary daily tracking poll of education insiders. With Arne's numbers down noticeably, it looks like the Blago-scandal is taking its toll, after all.
Jon Schnur is also back on the Big Board; maybe this Associated Press article is the reason why.
* An anonymous reader wrote in to provide more insight into why Jonathan Alter might have been promoting Michael Bennet so eagerly--or at least how he might have come to learn about his work in Denver. We already knew that Michael Bennet is the brother of James Bennet, the editor of the Atlantic. What I didn't know was that James Bennet and Jonathan Alter once worked together at the Washington Monthly. As I said before, small world. (Update: Wait, they didn't actually work together, my little birdie tells me, but they are both alumni of the clubby Washington Monthly.)