Gail Collins weighs in?on our bawling Speaker?elect in this morning's Times. She too noted the school connection during?the?60 Minutes story on John Boehner, pointing out that?
The most arresting moment came when Boehner told Stahl he can no longer make visits to schools, or even look at the little kids on the playground, because he immediately starts crying.
That had me alarmed. I thought there was going to be some terrible story about an ailing child that would then force me to have warm and sympathetic thoughts about John Boehner.
But no. The reason, Boehner finally choked out, was because ?making sure these kids have a shot at the American dream, like I did, is important.?
It's hard to tell where this story will go, but it has spawned a cottage industry in descriptions of the?condition ? ?making him howl like an abandoned puppy,? from?Collins, is?not bad ? and will surely give p0licy pundits a welcome break?during their sober?reflections on budget meltdowns and war and peace.
?Peter Meyer, Bernard Lee Schwartz Policy Fellow