Heather Zavadsky
Harvard Education Press
In these lively and readable case studies, the author spells out--with the appropriate degree of detail--the changes that five urban school districts (Long Beach and Garden Grove, CA, Norfolk and Boston, MA, and Aldine, TX) made on the path to winning the Broad Prize. Several themes weave throughout: These districts implemented a clear, direct, and rigorous curriculum, aligned with high standards and supported at various layers throughout the system. Indeed, revamping the district’s curriculum was the single most important contributor to success. But that’s not all. They were also staffed with highly-capable leaders and teachers. Though superintendent turnover is rife in urban education, the leaders of these districts lasted 6 to 11 years. Data and multiple accountability systems were also critical. The author is clear in linking such reforms to NCLB and to district leaders’ enthusiasm for the law’s provisions. Despite allegations that it’s a “tainted brand,” it’s worth highlighting these examples of this statute working as intended. Buy it here.