- For the first time in a decade, all the current school board commissioners of Indianapolis Public Schools are backed by pro-charter groups. —Chalkbeat Indiana
- Arkansas Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders signed an executive order calling for more charter schools in her state. —KNWA Fox 24
- America has more talent than ever before, a good sign for productivity, innovation, and living standards. —David Brooks
- New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy continues to restrict the growth of charter schools in his state despite clear evidence that they are outperforming traditional public schools there. —Wall Street Journal
- Oakland Unified School district delays the inevitable by reversing a decision to close six under-enrolled schools (and ignores Tim Daly’s advice in the process). —NBC Bay Area
- Lawmakers in Illinois have passed a bill authorizing collective bargaining for Chicago principals and assistant principals. —Wall Street Journal
- High schools in Virginia’s Fairfax County failed to tell hundreds of students—many of them Asian American—they had won National Merit Commendation awards in order to protect the feelings of students who hadn’t won. —George Will