For those in the D.C. area, there's still time to register for our event tomorrow: Education Reform Idol. From 8:30-10:00AM, we'll hear presentations from five cutting-edge states (Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, and Wisconsin) on why each deserves the distinction of "reformiest state in 2011." After the states' presentations, each will run the gauntlet of our incisive and demanding judges panel.
Live outside the beltway or are tethered to your office desk? You can join us online for the LIVE webcast. No need to register for that, just head over to our website at 8:30AM.
But, wait! There's more excitement. In typical American Idol fashion, the winner will be determined by audience voting (from both our in-person and online audiences).
To help you prepare for the event, we've been running blog posts highlighting each state's accomplishments. Here's the final syllabus of posts?each worth reading:
The first five are from the contestants themselves (about their respective states):
The last three are about movement made on individual reform efforts:
(You might also find this new paper by Bellwether on five states' teacher-reform legislation helpful too: Three of our five states are analyzed.)
Every vote counts!
?The Education Gadfly