Since its creation early in President G.W. Bush's first term, the US Department of Education's Office of Innovation and Improvement has been involved in some of the most interesting education issues around. It continues to oversee a number of valuable programs and initiatives under the current administration.
Crockpot Mike was part of the leadership team of OII back in its heady early days and had a hand in launching the "Education Innovator," that office's newsletter. That worthwhile tradition continues under the able leadership of OII's current chief, Assistant Deputy Secretary Jim Shelton.
The current edition of the Innovator is particularly meaty, and leads off with a Q&A session with Shelton. The topic is one of much interest to the ed reform community--the ARRA's $650 million Investing in Innovation ("I3") program. ??Jim sheds a bit more light on what ED wants to see by way of proposals and how it intends to size grant awards.
Definitely worth a read if you're considering applying or if you're just interested in this major federal investment in education innovation.