The folks at Education Sector are really putting it all out there. First this and now this, from Andy Rotherham, who finds a host of problems with the NAACP convention speech and education platform of John McCain.
Then, at the bottom of his post, we learn:
In the interest of transparency as I start to write more about the campaign I should note that I'm supporting Senator Obama. And, although in my role at Education Sector, a non-partisan 501c3 organization I've had contact with both campaigns around our published work and theories of action, in my free (personal and non-compensated) time I have contact with the Obama campaign on policy issues.
Wait a minute. Isn't this just another way of saying: "In??my free time,??I actively work for Senator Obama, who I'm supporting, and in??my non-partisan 501c3 time,??I criticize Senator McCain and tell you I'm supporting Obama"???
The issue isn't transparency, as Rotherham writes. It's fairness. If Rotherham wanted to maintain even a patina of impartiality here,??he might have mentioned in his post something--anything--about how the deficiencies he identifies in McCain's education platform are filled by what Obama is offering.