?Minnesota has lost its ?sense of urgency' to improve education and needs to take bolder steps to reduce the achievement gap between student groups and foster nontraditional pathways to teaching, U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan told a group of business and community leaders Friday in Minneapolis.?
??Education ?urgency' questioned,? St. Paul Pioneer Press,
January 22, 2011
?No one I'm talking to is defending the status quo. Everyone I talk to really shares my sense of urgency that we have to do better for our children. We're fighting for our country here.?
?Arne Duncan, January 11, 2011
?The new sense of urgency about the quality of education has not escaped the attention of those seeking to succeed Ronald Reagan as President.?
??How Education Came to be a Campaign Issue,? New York Times,
January 3, 1988
?Spurred by the new public sense of urgency about education, some schools are inaugurating ?early bird classes' before the regular start of the school day.?
??School Isn't Exactly Getting to Be a Snap,? Washington Post,
August 21, 1960
Time to retire this phrase?
?Liam Julian, Bernard Lee Schwartz Policy Fellow