A first look at today's most important education news:
Fordham's latest
"Student nomads: Mobility in Ohio's schools," by Terry Ryan, Emmy Partin, and Aaron Churchill, Education Gadfly Weekly "A not-so-great night for education reform," by Michael J. Petrilli, Education Gadfly Weekly "Voters making education more local," by Adam Emerson, Choice Words |
The Department of Education announced twenty winners of Investing in Innovation grants totaling $150 million yesterday. (Politics K-12)
D.C. schools chief Kaya Henderson said truancy rates in the District of Columbia Public Schools amounted to an educational “crisis” after it was disclosed that more than 40 percent of students at some District high schools missed more than a month of class due to unexcused absences last year. (Washington Post)
The School District of Philadelphia is borrowing $300 million to cover expenses through the end of the year. (Associated Press)
The Cleveland Plain Dealer describes the surprising prevalence of student mobility in Ohio found in Fordham’s latest study.
In its first post-recession budget, the Alabama Board of Education recommended hiring back one-third of teachers cut when state tax revenue fell during the recession. (Associated Press)