Jay Greene's blog led me to this, from the Cato Institute's Andrew Coulson:
To the left is a 1971 Chevrolet Impala. According to the New York Times of September 25th, 1970, it originally sold for $3,460. That's $19,011 in today's dollars. If cars were like public schools, you would be compelled to buy one of these today, and to pay $43,479 for that privilege (2.3 times the original price).
The bold portion presumably designates the bit that Coulson finds??totally whack (or is it wack, derivation wacky?), and he's right.??Coby is a big libertarian, so I bet he'll be pretty, pretty, pretty??steamed to discover that America's??public schools are actually??Impalas, especially when school systems already spend so much money on buses.