Fordham’s bloggers weighed in on education stories from around the country this week; here’s a quick look at what had them buzzing:
- California: On Common Core Watch, Kathleen wondered whether critics like California teacher of the year and education blogger Alan Lawrence Sitomer are justified in questioning CCSS architect David Coleman’s credentials because he lacks teaching experience. “Perhaps,” Kathleen suggests, “what we need right now in education is not fewer outsiders, but many, many more.”
- Colorado: Terry Ryan profiled the trailblazing pay-for-performance teacher compensation plan pioneered by Colorado Springs’ Harrison School District 2 on the Ohio Gadfly Daily.
- Florida: On Choice Words, Adam highlighted a promising bill in the Sunshine State that would blur the lines between home schooling and public schooling.
- Louisiana: Board’s Eye View hosted a guest blog post from New School’s for New Orleans’ Neerav Kingsland, who explained the lessons education reformers can learn from Europe's transition away from communism.
- Washington, D.C.: Mike argues on Flypaper that Representative George Miller’s ESEA reauthorization bills currently being considered in the nation’s capital are actually “conservative” because they would essentially keep NCLB the same.
Also, be sure to watch Kathleen’s interview on the sorry state of state science standards and listen to Checker’s discussion of vocational education on yesterday’s edition of The Bill Bennett Show. You can have all of Fordham’s commentary delivered right to your inbox by subscribing to the Gadfly Daily’s combined RSS feed.