As our loyal Gadfly readers know, we closed the Gadfly survey at midnight yesterday. Thank you?really?to everyone who took the time to speak up. All 667 of you. We really appreciate it and you should look forward to an AWESOME redesigned Gadfly coming soon.
In the meantime, I've been going through the Gadfly survey data, and guess what I found out! Gadfly readers LOVE the environment. That's right, you all have a green streak. In response to the question ?What is the primary format in which you read the Gadfly?? only 5.1% said they printed it out and read the hard copy. The other 94.9% of you either read it on your computers (in email format (83.6%) or on the website (8.9%)) or on your handheld devices (Blackberries, Droids, iPhones etc.(2.4%)). Check out the pie chart below. (The purple sliver represents the hard-copy readers.)
Our Gadfly readers love the environment; just 5.1% print out the Gadfly!
Well done, Gadfly readers! And Happy Earth Day.
?Stafford Palmieri