Panelist James Guthrie of Vanderbilt University asked an interesting question that goes beyond the education community: "What do we do when we don't know what to do? What steps do we take when there is no clear technical guidance for policy?"
As explained by Guthrie, the latest School Finance Redesign Project report advocates:
-Specifying desired goals, but making these goals comprehensive enough to avoid goal displacement (i.e. getting side tracked)
-Making sure our measurement systems are aligned with these goals
-Establishing a comprehensive information system
-Determinig better methods of what works
-Putting the resources near those who deliver services
-Dismantling the current incentive system, which rewards getting as far away from students as possible.
Amber has asked a great question: "How do we marry reforming teacher salaries and weighted student funding?"
University of Washington's Paul Hill's response: "Weighted student funding would put restraints on the amount of money a school has and schools would have to determine which teachers they can afford. This adds a real world aspect to this."
How would one get the unions on board with this? Would there be base teacher salaries? Food for thought...