I finally had a chance to take a look at The New Teacher Project's brief overview of the Race to the Top application, which, among other things, handicaps the states' chances at winning the money. (The key analysis is shown below.)
According to TNTP--a bastion of left-of-center reformers--the Republican states of Florida and Louisiana are the only two "highly competitive" states in the mix. And of the fourteen "competitive" states, five are heavily Republican (Utah, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Tennessee, and Georgia),??seven are classic swing states (Minnesota, Missouri, New Mexico, Indiana, Ohio, Virginia, and North Carolina), and only two are true-blue Democratic bastions (Delaware and New Jersey). So let's see these standings more clearly:
Strong Republican States?????? 7
Swing States?????????????????????????????????????? ???? 7
Strong Democratic States???? ??2
Perhaps progressive education reformers should consider joining the GOP!