State capitals have been abuzz with talk of teacher merit pay. Unfortunately, that talk has rarely translated into action (see here) - until now. Tired of relying on quibbling politicians in Austin, Texas Governor Rick Perry took matters into his own hands and used his executive authority to institute the Lone Star State's first incentive pay program for teachers after the Legislature adjourned. Explained Perry, "the need for education reform is simply too great to wait for lawmakers to overcome their differences." But Texas isn't alone in enterprising spirit. Merit pay has gotten off the ground in Denver, too, at least in a limited sort of way. Last Tuesday voters passed ballot issue 3A, which begins implementation of merit pay for teachers. Meanwhile, Florida's education department is hosting workshops to re-write the rules that implement the Sunshine State's Performance-Based Pay Program law, which so far hasn't actually led to any performance pay due to district and union intransigence (see here). Could merit pay finally be on the march?
"Backers celebrate ProComp plan victory," by Nancy Mitchell, Rocky Mountain News, November 2, 2005
"Perry enacts teacher merit pay," by Janet Elliot, Houston Chronicle, November 4, 2005