- If you are wondering what to do while awaiting the start of the Sunday football game, the Reverend Al Sharpton is here to help you. Seems he will be hosting an education news roundtable show on Sunday mornings starting September 26, 2100. Arne Duncan, Bill Gates, and Newt Gingrich are already slated to appear on the show. They’re fine. He’s not.
- Two D.C. City Council members (both supporters of Vincent Gray) have begun to press Gray and Michelle Rhee to negotiate an “extended transition” that would keep Rhee in office through the 2011-2012 school year. That might just delay the inevitable. But in this case, delay might be a plus.
- Along with textiles and customer service support, America is now outsourcing higher education to Asia. Through a partnership with the National University of Singapore, Yale is offering students a Western “liberal arts” education without flying halfway around the world. (NYU is doing the same thing too.)