The Q&N took a little break but it's back--with a whopper.
"[Arne] Duncan apparently thinks that you can just demand and command improvement. He wants to replace everyone ... except the ones who matter, the children. They are unmotivated and lazy. Yes, there are many incompetent and idiotic and mean administrators who need to go. There are even some bad teachers, but these are really rare. The problem starts with the students. What is Duncan going to do with some so-called students who act like miscreants each day?"--John Trotter, chairman of Atlanta Metro Association of Classroom Educators
AJC: Learning Curve: Necessary roughness?
53: Percentage of administrators whose schools received federal stimulus money who??said they were nevertheless unable to avoid cutting core subjects and special education teaching positions, according to an online survey.
Education Week: Administrators Detail Spending From Stimulus (subscription required)