In Fordham’s third annual Wonkathon, eleven wonks opined on ESSA and parental choice:
Many observers credit No Child Left Behind with contributing to the significant expansion of parental choice in American education over the past fifteen years. It wasn't necessarily the school choice provisions contained in the law (which were limited and poorly designed), but what its passage did to shine a spotlight on school failure and create a sense that better schools were desperately needed.
Likewise, some in the school choice movement are disappointed that the new Every Student Succeeds Act doesn't do much legislatively to promote choice. But are they overlooking the law's potential? What do you think are the "sleeper provisions" of ESSA that might encourage the further expansion of parental choice, at least if advocates seize the opportunity?
But who was the wisest, wonkiest wonk of all? Vote for the best policy discussion on education savings accounts. Polls close on Wednesday, May 18, at 12:00 p.m. EDT. One vote per person, please. (And may the best wonk win!)
UPDATE: Voting is now closed. Click here to see the results.