In this week's edition Jamie evaluates a report calling for Ohio to scale back its charter school program because charters allegedly get a "head start" with kindergarteners who are more prepared for school. But the report (among other weaknesses) uses an inappropriate piece of data to measure school readiness.??
In a timely Q&A, Mike interviews Fordham board member and former Massachusetts education commissioner David Driscoll, who shares insight on the standards development process in the Bay State and lessons for Ohio.
For "Capital Matters," Emmy describes a proposed Senate bill that would make significant changes to Ohio's school rating system, particularly to safeguard those relatively high performing districts that took a hit this year.
Other features include a recap of our conference, World-Class Standards for Ohio, as well as Flypaper's Finest and a reminder to check out Fordham's latest report (whose title we love by the way) - Stars by Which to Navigate? Scanning National and International Standards in 2009.