Ohio’s charter school funding gap
Fordham’s Chad Aldis recently provided testimony to the Ohio Advisory Committee to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights. The meeting, held in Cleveland, examined civil rights as it relates to education funding in Ohio. Some of Aldis’ testimony included data related to charter schools that highlights the significant gap in expenditures between charter and district schools serving similar students.
Why suburban districts need public charter schools too
The Progressive Policy Institute released a policy memo this week titled, “Why Suburban Districts Need Public Charter Schools Too.” The memo includes information about the national charter school landscape, the performance of suburban charter schools, how charter schools can benefit suburban students, and the three factors that hinder the spread of suburban charters.
New Orleans charter is using a new tactic for getting students to college
KIPP has long been focused on getting its students to and through college. This year, the network implemented a new tactic at a KIPP high school in New Orleans where they’ll combine the start of college with high school in a way that makes higher education feel attainable. Bard College, a New York-based private liberal arts college, is enrolling half of KIPP Renaissance’s juniors in a two-year program that will culminate with them earning both a high school diploma and an associate’s degree. You can learn more about the benefits, challenges, and goal of the program here.
A public charter school set this student up for success in college
This week, a charter school graduate named Kamille Catala wrote an op-ed that appeared on ExcelinEd’s website. Catala shares about how her family came to the U.S. from Puerto Rico and how her mom (a teacher) immediately recognized the benefits of charter schools and enrolled all of her children in one. Catala explains that her charter school did everything in its power to set her up for success and, now that she’s at Florida State University, she has worked harder and pushed herself to excel because of the values her school ingrained in her.
Upcoming events
Don’t forget to mark your calendars for these upcoming Ohio and national events: The School Performance Institute’s upcoming workshop (October 18, Columbus), the 2018 NACSA Leadership Conference (October 22-25, Orlando), the 2018 National Dropout Prevention Network Conference (October 28-31, Columbus), the Ohio School Improvement Institute (November 15-16, Columbus), and the 2018 National Summit on Education Reform (December 5-7, Washington, D.C.).