KIPP Columbus hosts naturalization ceremony
One hundred fifty immigrants became American citizens this past week at an event at KIPP Columbus. The guests (from fifty-three nations) heard a speech from Armando Mora Perez (a KIPP high school student whose mother is waiting to be granted citizenship) and joined together to do the Pledge of Allegiance. You can find a video of the event on KIPP’s Facebook page and photos on their website.
Bruno Manno: How charter schools make their grads successful in college
Bruno Manno, the senior adviser for the Walton Family Foundation K-12 Program, in a recent op-ed praised the ability of some charter schools to help their graduates succeed in college. He explains how a number of charter school networks like KIPP, Uncommon Schools, Chicago’s Noble Network, and Green Dot Schools “are pointing the way and providing crucial evidence that K-12 education can provide a robust foundation for opportunity, upward mobility, and financial stability.”
School choice and community-building
Amy Lueck recently published a piece in the Atlantic in which she celebrates the civic purpose of the traditional American public high school and accuses school choice proponents of abandoning the model that helped shape America. Fordham’s Brandon Wright wrote a response to the article this week. He discusses research that’s shown that some schools of choice actually develop stronger civic values than traditional schools. In addition, he explains how charter schools and vouchers solve many of the inherent problems of the traditional public high school model.
NCSC18 on YouTube
Unable to attend the 2018 National Charter Schools Conference? You can now view it online. The National Alliance for Public Charter Schools (NAPCS) has added a new playlist on their Youtube channel that includes the general sessions, the state of the charter school movement address from their President and CEO Nina Rees, and features on the 2018 Broad Prize for Public Charter Schools finalists and Hall of Fame inductees.
Upcoming events
Here’s a look at some upcoming national and Ohio events: The 35th annual All Ohio Counselors Conference (November 7-9), OCALICON 2018 (November 14-16), the Ohio School Improvement Institute (November 15-16, Columbus), the School Performance Institute’s next workshop (November 29), the 2018 National Summit on Education Reform (December 5-7, Washington, D.C.), and the 2019 Ohio Educational Technology Conference (February 12-14, Columbus).