The Fordham Institute, a high-performing organization with a long track record of innovation and excellence within the domains of media relations and social media, is looking to take our communications to the next level with two new members: a media relations and events manager in D.C. and an external communications and research associate in Columbus, Ohio.
External communications and research associate; Columbus, Ohio office
The Columbus, Ohio office of the Thomas B. Fordham Institute is searching for a fellow Gadfly: an independent-minded advocate for education reform. The External Communications and Research Associate must have at least two years of experience in strategic communications, possess strong writing and editing skills, and have creative strategies for promoting research and policy ideas to state lawmakers, educators, researchers, and media. For more specifics, please see the full description.
Media relations and events manager; D.C. office
The successful candidate must be a dynamic, mission-driven, and experienced media professional who is savvy and knowledgeable in traditional media, social media, and education reform. Reporting to the Executive Vice President, the Media Relations and Events Manager will work collaboratively with other members of Fordham’s communications team and its senior leadership to develop and implement communication strategies and events programming. If you are an innovative thinker with ideas on how to broaden Fordham’s impact and promote our school reform principles, research, analysis, and ideas, we want to hear from you. If we are describing you, take a look at the details.
Because Fordham works on national- and state-policy issues, and on the ground in Ohio, both of these positions will afford the opportunity to make a significant impact on the national education-reform debate—and the chance to see concrete results.
Are you on board with Fordham’s commitments to the Common Core, advancing choice, efficiency, and academic standards? Have your friends asked you to stop talking about reform realism? Do you enjoy the odd dance-off? If so, Fordham might be the place for you.