It's a Friday in December and so you're probably holiday shopping for your pets, eating candy canes, or figuring out what to wear for your bad holiday sweater party (wear the purple and green one!)? or possibly none of those things. If you need a break and/or are looking for something to read, or reflect on about 2010 (and if you already watched this Google video) then be sure to check out the Ohio team's 2010 year in review, a synthesis of our work and hopefully a resource for others.
We blogged about it Wednesday and yesterday, and today want to remind you to check out our many opinions over the year on topics such as:
- Using value-added to measure teacher effectiveness
- Increasing class sizes by small numbers to save money
- Cyber?learning lessons from other states
- Overhauling teacher evaluations
- Using a better tool to compare voucher students to district peers
- Check out the full 2010 review here.
Also, see recaps of our events, radio appearances, and humorous posts over the year. Check out the full 2010 review here.