Ohio Education Gadfly Biweekly
Our biweekly newsletter including commentary, analysis, and reviews;
announcements of our latest research; and event updates.
The governor’s state of the state highlights his early literacy agenda
Last week, Governor DeWine delivered the first state of the state address of his second term.
Jessica Poiner 2.14.2023
OhioOhio Gadfly Daily
Did you know?
OhioOhio Gadfly Daily
Not the kind of headline you want when asking taxpayers for more money
Jamie Davies O'Leary 9.22.2009
OhioOhio Gadfly Daily
A hard news day for Ohio's education community
OhioOhio Gadfly Daily
Pity those who have to implement accountability systems for 21st century skills
Terry Ryan 9.18.2009
OhioOhio Gadfly Daily
Taking a stand for Rhee -- catering to "learning styles" can help students get engaged
Jamie Davies O'Leary 9.17.2009
OhioOhio Gadfly Daily
Crazy Like a Fox: One Principal's Triumph in the Inner City
Ohio Education Gadfly: teacher pensions, mentoring programs, evolution and more
OhioOhio Gadfly Daily
Why Science Standards are Important to a Strong Science Curriculum and How States Measure Up
Mike Lafferty 9.15.2009
World-Class Academic Standards for Ohio conference October 5
Ohio fiscal saga continues, this time let's talk about full-day kindergarten
Jamie Davies O'Leary 9.15.2009
OhioOhio Gadfly Daily
On the decline of stately schools
Emmy L. Partin 9.11.2009
OhioOhio Gadfly Daily
Ohio scraps social studies testing
Jamie Davies O'Leary 9.11.2009
OhioOhio Gadfly Daily