part of mathematics in which letters and other symbols are used to represent numbers and quantities in formulae and equation
A better path ahead for Ohio’s graduation requirements
Jessica Poiner 5.8.2019
OhioOhio Gadfly Daily
The case for more flexibility in Ohio’s high school course requirements
Aaron Churchill 3.20.2019
OhioOhio Gadfly Daily
Getting an A isn't easier if you're rich
Adam Tyner, Ph.D. 10.18.2018
Ohio needs to be careful with GPAs
Jessica Poiner 9.25.2018
OhioOhio Gadfly Daily
As grades inflate, standardized tests keep us grounded
Cory R. Koedel 9.21.2018
As grades inflate, standardized tests keep us grounded
Cory R. Koedel 9.21.2018
Grade Inflation in High Schools (2005–2016)
Seth Gershenson 9.19.2018
A tangled web: The high school diploma, college and career readiness, and CTE
Marc Tucker 9.12.2018
Four ways state math standards have improved
David Griffith 9.5.2018
Anti-excellence dog whistles in the education media
Jonathan Plucker, Ph.D. 7.24.2018
NationalThe High Flyer
Fill in the missing building blocks of college and career readiness
David Wakelyn 3.15.2018