state of the United States of America
Low- and high-income schools now receive equal funding
Adam Tyner, Ph.D. 7.13.2023
Think Again: Is education funding in America still unequal?
Adam Tyner, Ph.D. 7.11.2023
Don’t weaken accountability for Ohio’s charter sponsors and online schools
Aaron Churchill 6.23.2023
OhioOhio Gadfly Daily
Ohio Charter News Weekly – 4.21.23
Jeff Murray 4.21.2023
OhioOhio Gadfly Daily
Gadfly Bites 4/19/23—“A familiar foe”
Jeff Murray 4.19.2023
OhioOhio Gadfly Daily
Some Ohio teenagers are struggling after graduation. The governor’s budget proposal could help.
Jessica Poiner 3.22.2023
OhioOhio Gadfly Daily
Gadfly Bites 3/10/23—“Getting right into the meat and heat of it”
Jeff Murray 3.10.2023
OhioOhio Gadfly Daily
Friendships between rich and poor promote upward mobility: School career pathways program help do this
Bruno V. Manno 12.16.2022
Gadfly Bites 10/7/22—“Actually pretty encouraging”
Jeff Murray 10.7.2022
OhioOhio Gadfly Daily
Encouraging progress on “high quality instructional materials”
Robert Pondiscio 6.16.2022
Bus commutes and their academic impacts in New York City
Jeff Murray 6.16.2022