global economic decline around the end of the first decade of the 21st century
The kids who had been “left behind” are doing much better today than 25 years ago. But what about everyone else?
Michael J. Petrilli 8.21.2019
School funding in Ohio: Do demographic trends justify higher spending?
Aaron Churchill 8.14.2019
OhioOhio Gadfly Daily
Education policy helped these states beat the socioeconomic curve
Michael J. Petrilli 7.24.2019
A rising economic tide + reform + resources = better results for kids
Michael J. Petrilli 7.17.2019
A hypothesis: NCLB-era achievement gains stemmed largely from declining child poverty rates
Michael J. Petrilli 7.10.2019
Child poverty is down sharply since the start of the ed reform era
Michael J. Petrilli 6.26.2019
Student outcomes have improved in more than just reading and math
Michael J. Petrilli 6.19.2019
Betsy DeVos and other naysayers are wrong: Student outcomes in the U.S. have improved significantly in recent decades
Michael J. Petrilli 6.12.2019
Reliably identifying low-income students should be a priority
Aaron Churchill 5.7.2019
OhioOhio Gadfly Daily
You might be surprised which states prioritize higher teacher salaries
Michael J. Petrilli 4.24.2019
The testing tragedy
Marc Tucker 7.26.2018