The right to school choice is also about the right to stay put
Fordham’s latest report, "New Home, Same School," analyses the relationships among residential mobility, school mobility, and charter school enrollment. It finds, among other things, that changing schools is associated with a small decline in academic progress in math and a slight increase in suspensions—and that residentially mobile students in charter schools are less likely to change schools than their counterparts in traditional public schools.
David Griffith, Amber M. Northern, Ph.D. 1.25.2024
Knowledge is power: Why our students need less of Franklin's wit and more of Madison's wisdom
Dr. David Steiner 1.30.2019
Education freedom (not) in the Free State
Chester E. Finn, Jr. 1.30.2019
New state charter school law rankings show improvements and opportunities for growth
Todd Ziebarth 1.25.2019
The school discipline debate has plenty of advocates. What it needs are researchers willing to play it straight.
Max Eden 1.24.2019
Seeking a culture of improvement
Michael J. Petrilli 1.23.2019
Grade inflation is rampant, but accreditors can help
Jeremy Noonan 1.23.2019
Thinking about classroom practice: Five ideas for ed reformers
Robert Pondiscio 1.23.2019
Identifying and encouraging students to earn industry-recognized credentials
Sophie Sussman 1.23.2019
The Education Gadfly Show: The state of choice during National School Choice Week
Michael J. Petrilli, David Griffith, Amber M. Northern, Ph.D. 1.23.2019
What options do students have in areas where private school choice proposals were defeated?
The Education Gadfly 1.22.2019
Advanced content, academic achievement, and social-emotional outcomes in kindergarten classrooms
Jessica Poiner 1.18.2019
Let's not get our hopes up: The nation is still very much at risk
Dale Chu 1.18.2019