The right to school choice is also about the right to stay put
Fordham’s latest report, "New Home, Same School," analyses the relationships among residential mobility, school mobility, and charter school enrollment. It finds, among other things, that changing schools is associated with a small decline in academic progress in math and a slight increase in suspensions—and that residentially mobile students in charter schools are less likely to change schools than their counterparts in traditional public schools.
David Griffith, Amber M. Northern, Ph.D. 1.25.2024
Reimagining high schools: Removing barriers to transform learning
Charles Ogundimu 12.12.2022
Pull back the curtain on the real-life outcomes of high school graduates
Christi Martin 12.12.2022
A wonderful thing—amazing high schools
Paolo DeMaria 12.12.2022
Back to the future for American high schools
Sheree Speakman, Kathy Smith 12.12.2022
Fund high schools to provide post-secondary support, and hold them accountable for the results
Pagee Cheung, Arthur Samuels 12.12.2022
Let kids who hate high school consume a lot less school
Mike Goldstein 12.12.2022
Teacher certification and uniform salary schedules hinder CTE staffing
Keri Ingraham 12.12.2022
What is the best way to reform state high school policies? Ignore them.
Eric Wearne 12.12.2022
The strongest argument for charter schools is the truth
David Griffith 12.8.2022
Teachers should replace “the soft bigotry of low expectations” with “the suspension of disbelief”
Michael J. Petrilli 12.8.2022
Institutionalism, not policy, is the biggest barrier to reinventing high schools
Chelsea Waite 12.8.2022
Families are shrinking high schools with or without help from policymakers
Matthew Ladner 12.8.2022